Getting your website started is quick and easy. There are a few steps needed to begin the process, but our team will work with you to help get your goals on the page. Our team will assist in building your business presence online. Let us handle all of your website business needs, from choosing a Domain Name, hosting the website, the website setup, the email setup, and the google setup.

1. Choosing your Domain Name

A domain name is your website’s permanent address on the internet. We help to make setup easy, just pick your Domain Name, and let us handle the rest. We will set up your website using your Domain Name so clients can find your business more easily when looking on the internet.

Your domain extension, which is the part that comes after your name, e.g., “.com,” “.net,” etc., is important because it lets consumers know what type of business you have. The cost of your domain depends on the domain extension, a regular “.com” domain extension will usually cost approximately $20. You would only need to pay this fee once a year to maintain ownership of your website.

2. The Hosting of your website.

By paying for hosting, you are renting space on a computer to keep your website running and make it available to consumers from around the globe. Our team will ensure your site is running, making your business available to consumers all of the time.

3. Designing your website.

From simple and sleek, to a more complex site like a storefront, our team will create a website that fits your needs. We work efficiently to create a website with the right fonts, colors, pictures, and any other specifications so that you get the quality site you want. Throughout the process of creating and completing your website, our team will continue to review the site to ensure it is tailored to you.

4. Creating your content.

Let us know what you would want your customers to know about you. Whether you are looking to be formal, creative, funny, intelligent, driven, or all the above, we will work to ensure you are providing the right message to your clients.

5. Running your website.

To keep your website’s Domain Name, you would need to pay a yearly fee that depends on the Domain extension. Hosting your website would consist of a recurring monthly fee.